Hellō Scopes

Hellō Scopes


Explore what claims each requested scope returns with the Hellō Playgound (opens in a new tab)


You request claims from Hellō by including a scope for that claim in your request. Any claims you request from Hellō are required claims, IE the user will need to provide a value. Hellō only supports email and phone claims that have been verified. Unverified email and phone are not supported. See below for a full list of supported scopes and associated claims.

Hellō will always return the sub claim, a globally unique identifier in the form of a GUID, that you can use to identify the user across any apps under your publisher. The sub claim is unique to your publisher for a given user. Other publishers will receive a different sub claim for the user.

Note that it is best practice to only request the claims you require. For example, you may only need a preferred name to address the user initially, and a verified email address when they would like a notification. Hellō makes it easy to do incremental consent and request additional claims once you need them.

You include scopes in the request for the information (claims) you would like Hellō to return about the user. Unlike other providers, Hellō will always provide a value for any requested scope. Hellō will always gather user consent before releasing information to you.

When requesting multiple scopes, separate them with a space. The space will often be converted to a + when URL Encoding the parameters.

Current Scopes

Following are the scopes currently supported by Hellō. At the top are the standard OpenID Connect scopes supported by Hellō.

openidThis scope is required, and the sub claims is always returned.
If you don't want any other claims, provide just this one.
nameFull / legal name.
nicknamePreferred name.
given_nameAKA First name.
family_nameAKA Last name.
emailA verified email address. email_verified=true will always be returned.
phoneA verified phone number. phone_verified=true will always be returned.
pictureA URL to a profile picture. See FAQ 13 for details
profileequivalent to name, email, and picture
Hellō ScopesDescription
discordA verified Discord username and id.
githubA verified GitHub username and id.
gitlabA verified GitLab username and id.
twitterA verified Twitter username and id.
ethereumA verified ethereum address.

If the user has already provided consent to your application, they will not be prompted again to consent to the claims provided unless you include prompt=consent in your authorization request. This allows the user to update the profile data that they have provided you. To provide a better experience for your users with prompt=consent, also include login_hint=mailto:name@domain.example.

Other Scopes?

If you would like us to offer other scopes, let us know in our Additional Scopes Discussion (opens in a new tab)

Incremental Consent

Per the 2nd Law of Identity (opens in a new tab), Minimal Disclosure, we recommend you not request claims that are not required until they are needed. Hellō makes it easy to send the user back to Hellō to acquire additional claims by including additional scopes in a new request.