

This packages provides Hellō button components that you can use in a React SPA.


To add Hellō to your React application, in your project directory:

Install the package

npm i @hellocoop/react

Add Hellō stylesheet

To provide the button styling, add the below code to the <head> section of the index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>


import { // only import buttons used
} from '@hellocoop/react'


<ContinueButton/> - provides [ ō Continue with Hellō ]

<LoginButton/> - provides [ ō Login with Hellō ]

<UpdateProfileButton/> - provides [ ō Update Profile with Hellō ]

Optional properties:

  • scope - Array of Hellō scope values. Default ['openid', 'email', 'name', 'picture'].
  • targetURI - defaults to HELLO_DEFAULT_TARGET_ROUTE or '/'
  • providerHint - Array of provider hints. Example ['github', 'gitlab', 'email--', 'apple--', 'microsoft--'] would always recommend GitHub, GitLab, and Google.
  • loginHint - A hint for which user account to use. Only email addresses in the form of mailto:name@domain.example are currently supported.
  • promptLogin - defaults to false. Will require the user to re-authenticate at their login provider.
  • promptConsent - defaults to false. Will require the user to review, and potentially change, released claims.

Optional button styling properties:

  • color - white | black
  • theme - ignore-light | ignore-dark | aware-invert | aware-static
  • hover - pop | glow | flare | none

Explore styling with the button playground


By default, clicking the Hellō button would redirect to /api/hellocoop?op=login endpoint with the optional properties as additional query parameters. To override this behavior, wrap your app with the <HelloProvider/> component and pass the config object as a prop to the provider.

import { HelloProvider } from '@hellocoop/react';
const config = {
    login: '/api/hellocoop?op=login'
export default function() {
    return (
        <HelloProvider config={config}>