
Free Login and Verified Email

Hellō is a new paradigm in identity services. As a pure abstraction layer between applications and providers, we don't offer password authentication, nor a datastore for the application. By having a direct relationship with the user, we enable their identity to be reusable, further lower costs and friction.

This provides us with a massive cost advantage over traditional auth services, enabling us to offer login and verified email free, for unlimited MAU, which have already been commoditized by the large social login providers

Freemium Business Model

While most applications only want login and verified email today, we will be offering other verified claims in the future such as name, age, citizenship, residency, affiliations, and entitlements Our mission is to provide the internet identity layer, and to enable users to prove who they are and control their identity. We expect innovative organizations will provide claims about users that applications will desire, and Hellō will become an identity marketplace.