

This file contains the configuration for the Express, Fastify, and Next.js SDKs. It isis imported used by hellocoop.js file that provides the Hellō endpoint.

A sample:

const loggedIn = require('./path-to-your-loggedIn=-callback-function')
const config = {
    client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    scope?: ['openid','name','email'], // default - openid name email picture
    provider_hint: ['github'],         
    routes?: {
        loggedIn: '/dashboard', // defaults to '/'
        loggedOut: '/logout',   // defaults to '/'
        error: 'error'          // defaults to built in error page
    loginSync?: (params: LoginSyncParams) => Promise<LoginSyncResponse>
                // defaults to undefined
module.exports = config


  • required unless provided by a the HELLO_CLIENT_ID environment variable




  • override routes to redirect user on log in, log out, and an OAuth error


  • function called on each successful login

Here is how your loginSync function will be called if provided:

const {accessDenied, target_uri, updatedAuth} = await loginSync( { token, payload, cbReq, cbRes } )
  • accessDenied - optional boolean returned if the user should not be logged in

  • target_uri - optional URL to override where to redirect the user

  • updated_auth - an optional object that will to extend the auth object stored in the encrypted cookie. Use this to set roles or groups or other app specific user properties you want readily available. You cannot change the iat, sub, or isLoggedIn values

  • token - the ID Token in compact format

  • payload - the full payload of the ID Token.

  • cbReq.getHeaders() - returns the request headers

  • cbRes.setHeaders( name, value ) - will set a response header

  • cbRes.setCookie( name, value, options ) - will set a cookie value with options per cookie (opens in a new tab) serialize